Sixfold API (2024-05)

Download OpenAPI specification:Download

Release Notes

Version: 2024-05

  • Enhances the case creation endpoint to accept documents to attach to the new case

  • Add a new endpoint to attach one or more documents to an existing case

  • Defines a new schema for cases and related entities

  • Add Life API support for creating cases

Version: 2023-12

For more detailed documentation of this version, refer to our legacy API docs site.


Greetings from Sixfold! We're excited to provide you with documentation for our API that allows you to seamlessly interact with our generative AI solution for insurance underwriters.

Key Features

Getting Started

To get started with the Sixfold API, use the guides, code examples, and reference documentation on this page.

We will coordinate with you to complete the following set-up steps:

  • Base URL: Receive a base URL specific to your environment
  • API Key: Receive a an API key
  • Webhook URL: Share a URL where we can send important events about a case (optional)

Read more about these steps below.

Base URL

We will provide a base URL for your dedicated environment. This URL will be unique to your tenancy.


We will generate and share an API key for your environment via secure send.

For more details on how to use your API key, refer to the Authorization section below.


If you provide us with a webhook URL, we can send you events about your cases in real time. This is an optional step, but it can be helpful if you need to know quickly when a case changes state.

For more details on how to use webhooks, refer to the Webhooks section below.


To configure an integration with a third-party (such as an external file management service such as FileNet), please refer to this section for additional information.

We currently support integrations with the following services:


Transport Layer Security

We require all API calls to be made over secure connections using HTTPS. We require a minimum of TLS 1.2.


You MUST include the Sixfold API key you were issued in a custom header for each API request.

Example: SIXFOLD-API-KEY: <your key>

Field Types

Type Description Example
IDS Object identifiers are unique opaque strings. Clients should not attach any specific semantic meaning to the format of our IDs. For example, our object IDs are UUIDs today, but clients should not count on that behavior, because we may stop using UUIDs at any time. c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6
STRINGS Strings are encoded using UTF-8. They do not have character limits. Diamond West Construction
DATES All dates are represented in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. 2024-01-10
TIMESTAMPS All object responses will include a createdAt and updatedAt in timestamp format. All timestamps are UTC and represented in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. 2024-01-10T16:00:30Z
BOOLEANS Boolean values are represented as as true or false. true
NULL All optional fields are set to null unless a default value is set. null

Status Codes & Errors

Status Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Indicates the request was successful.
201 Created. Indicates that the request was successful and has led to the creation of a resource.

Error Codes

Code Description
400 Bad Request. Occurs when your request is malformed in some way that does not match a more specific 4xx code.
401 Unauthorized. Occurs when your request omitted an API key or specified an invalid key.
404 Not Found. Occurs when you requested a resource which doesn’t exist. This could signify an incorrect API endpoint URL or an incorrect object ID.
413 Content Too Large. Occurs when the size of the request entity exceeds the limit defined in the request limits section below.
429 Too Many Requests. Occurs when exceeding the request rate limit defined in the request limits section below.
500 Internal Server Error. Occurs when Sixfold encounters an error serving the request. This is a usually a temporary occurrence, so your best bet is to retry again after a short time.
503 Service Unavailable. Typically occurs when the API is down for maintenance.

Document Errors

When creating a case or attaching documents to a case, each document must be uploaded as a separate file. The server will respond with 200 OK if all files are processed successfully.

If we can't process all of the files included in a request, the entire request will fail. In this case, the response will include a separate error message for each file that failed.


Our API uses URI date-based versioning.

Example: POST /api/2023-12/cases

We will always issue a new version of our API if we need to make changes that would break existing clients. Some examples of breaking changes include:

  • Removing functionality

  • Renaming parameters

  • Changing endpoint requirements

We may include backward-compatible changes in the current version of our API. These changes are designed to improve the API without breaking existing clients. Examples include:

  • Adding new API endpoints

  • Adding new optional request parameters to existing API methods

  • Adding new fields to existing API responses


This section describes how limits are applied in the Sixfold API.

Document Types

There is restrictions on what types of documents can be uploaded.


The following content types are accepted for commercial cases:

Content Type Extension
application/pdf .pdf
application/json .json
image/jpeg .jpeg, .jpg
image/tiff .tiff, .tif
image/png .png
text/plain .txt
text/html .html
application/msword .doc
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document .docx
application/ .ppt
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation .pptx
application/ .xls
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet .xlsx
application/rtf .rtf
image/bmp .bmp
image/gif .gif


The following content types are accepted for life cases:

Content Type Extension
application/pdf .pdf
application/json .json
image/jpeg .jpeg, .jpg
image/tiff .tiff, .tif
image/png .png
text/plain .txt
text/html .html
application/xhtml+xml .xml

Request Rate

You may not send more than 300 requests per minute. If you exceed this limit, the server will respond with 429 - Too Many Requests and block further requests for a short time.

Request Size

No request body may be larger than 50 megabytes. If you exceed this limit, the server will respond with 413 - Content Too Large.

2024-05 Commercial

This API provides access to the Sixfold generative AI solution for insurance underwriters

Create a commercial case

Request Body schema:

Case created successfully


Bad Request






Unprocessable Entity


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • "case": {
Response samples
  • "data": {

Get all commercial cases

query Parameters

Filter cases by unique external id

Example: external_id=bda31907-49ad-4cf2-b76f-7738f359ae5e

Cases retrieved successfully




Not Found

Request samples
Response samples
  • "data": [

Get a commercial case

path Parameters
Example: c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6

Case retrieved successfully




Not Found

Request samples
Response samples
  • "data": {

Export a commercial case as PDF

path Parameters
Example: c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6

PDF exported successfully




Not Found

Request samples
Response samples
  • "errors": [

Add documents to a commercial case

path Parameters
Example: c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
Array of strings <binary>

Array of documents to be uploaded.


Documents added successfully


Bad Request




Unprocessable Entity


Internal Server Error

Request samples
Response samples
  • "data": [

Add or update a quote to a commercial case

path Parameters
Example: c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6
Request Body schema: application/json
boolean (Quote)

Boolean value representing whether a case has been quoted


Quote created or updated successfully


Bad Request




Unprocessable Entity


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • "quoted": true
Response samples
{ }

Remove a quote from a commercial case

path Parameters
Example: c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6

Quote deleted successfully


Bad Request




Unprocessable Entity


Internal Server Error

Request samples
Response samples
{ }

2024-05 Life and Disability

This API is under active development and will provide access to the Sixfold generative AI solution for insurance underwriters

Create a life case

Request Body schema:

Case created successfully


Bad Request






Unprocessable Entity


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • "case": {
Response samples
  • "data": {

Get all life cases

query Parameters

Filter cases by unique external id

Example: external_id=bda31907-49ad-4cf2-b76f-7738f359ae5e

Cases retrieved successfully




Not Found

Request samples
Response samples
  • "data": [

Get a life case

path Parameters
Example: c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6

Case retrieved successfully




Not Found

Request samples
Response samples
  • "data": {

Export a life case as PDF

path Parameters
Example: c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6

PDF exported successfully




Not Found

Request samples
Response samples
  • "errors": [

Add documents to a life case

Add documents to a life case by providing an array of documents to be uploaded.

path Parameters
Example: c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
Array of strings <binary>

Array of documents to be uploaded.


Documents added successfully


Bad Request




Unprocessable Entity


Internal Server Error

Request samples
Response samples
  • "data": [

Add metadata to an integration of a life case

Add to an integration by providing metadata to the integration spec

path Parameters

Unique identifier for the case

Example: c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6

Unique identifier for the integration (provided by Sixfold)

Example: 78ea09d0-55f7-407a-9fc9-d625cfd84085
Request Body schema: application/json-patch+json
Any of:

The operation to be done for adding the FileNet file, the value must be "add"

Value: "add"

The path for adding the FileNet file, the value must be "/files/-"

Value: "/files/-"
object (CreateFileNetIntegrationMetadataRequest)

Object containing the id of the file on FileNet to be retrieved


Integration specs added successfully


Bad Request




Not Found


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • {
  • {
Response samples
  • "data": [

2024-05 Webhooks

Webhooks allow us to send important events about a case to you in real-time.


  • Your webhook resource MUST accept requests with content type application/json

  • Your webhook resource MUST return a response with a 200 status to indicate that the request was processed successfully

Custom Headers

You can optionally specify custom headers for us to send in webhook requests. This is useful when, for example, your webhook resource requires us to provide an authentication token in a header. Custom headers are defined at the webhook level and are included in all requests sent to the webhook callback URL. Please reach out to your Sixfold representative to set up custom headers for your webhook.

Webhook Topics

A webhook's topic indicates the type of event that triggered the webhook. The topic is included in the request body sent to your webhook URL.

Supported webhook topics include:

| Topic | Description |

| --- | --- |

| cases/created | a case was successfully created |

| cases/updated | a case was successfully updated |

| cases/finished | a case has completed the analysis |

| cases/errored | a case encountered an error during the analysis |

| integrations/finished | an integration has finished its operation |

| integrations/errored | an integration encountered an error during its operation |


Commercial Example Request

Below is an example of a webhook request sent when a commercial case is updated:

      "id": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
      "topic": "cases/updated"
      "body": {
        "data": {
          "id": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
          "type": "commercialCases",
          "attributes": {
            "externalId": "bda31907-49ad-4cf2-b76f-7738f359ae5e",
            "name": "Diamond West Construction Case",
            "insuranceLine": {
              "id": "1cfd8bdf-5a20-4dfb-aca0-729df7795e14",
              "name": "General Liability"
            "insuredCompany": {
              "name": "Diamond West Construction",
              "businessActivity": "Construction",
              "summary": "A general building contractor that offers home remodeling and design-build services.",
              "webPresence": {
                "urls": [
              "businessClassification": [
                    "system": "naics",
                    "code": "236118",
                    "title": "Commercial and Institutional Building Construction",
                    "explanation": "236118 - Residential Remodelers The business summary indicates that this is a general building contractor that offers home remodeling and design-build services. This aligns directly with the NAICS code 236118, which is designated for businesses primarily responsible for remodeling construction of houses and other residential buildings. The services offered by the business, such as home remodeling and design-build, are specifically mentioned in the NAICS context as activities included in this industry. The business is likely to serve customers who own residential properties, including single-family and multifamily homes, who are looking to remodel or renovate their properties. This is why the NAICS code 236118 - Residential Remodelers is assigned with high confidence.",
                    "confidence": 0.79
              "address": {
                "street": "6676 Van Buren Boulevard",
                "city": "Riverside",
                "state": "CA",
                "postalCode": "92503",
                "country": "US"
            "analysis": {
              "status": "done",
              "riskEvaluation": {
                "score": 4,
                "summary": "We have determined a risk score of 4 given the lack of negative risk signals detected."
              "riskSignalDetections": [
                  "type": "KeywordSignal",
                  "keyword": "Construction",
                  "explanation": "The content mentions Diamond West Construction Services, which offers a range of construction services including residential, commercial, and communications projects. Additionally, Diamond West Development provides diversified construction services such as concrete work, block walls, pools, and outdoor kitchens. This indicates that the business likely engages in construction activities.",
                  "impact": "positive"
                  "type": "KeywordSignal",
                  "keyword": "Remodeling",
                  "explanation": "The content extensively discusses Diamond West Development's involvement in remodeling projects, including kitchen and bathroom remodeling. It highlights customer testimonials praising their work on remodeling projects and mentions their services in home remodeling, room additions, and custom homes. This indicates that the business likely engages in remodeling activities.",
                  "impact": "negative"
              "facts": [
                  "type": "questionAnswer",
                  "question": "Does PCI Compliance applicable to this company? If so, is the company PCI Compliant?",
                  "answer": "Is PCI Compliance Applicable to Mondelez International Inc.?\\nMondelez International Inc. is a multinational confectionery, food, and beverage company that manufactures and markets food products and beverages. The company operates in approximately 160 countries and has an annual revenue of about $26.5 billion.\\n\\nThe Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security standards that ensure companies that accept, process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. PCI DSS is administered and managed by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC), an independent body created by major payment card brands such as Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. \\n\\nPCI DSS applies to any organization, regardless of size or the number of transactions, that accepts, transmits, or stores cardholder data. This includes companies that process credit card information and merchants that accept payment cards as payment for goods and services. \\n\\nGiven that Mondelez International Inc. operates on a global scale and deals with financial transactions, it would need to comply with PCI DSS. \\n\\n## Is Mondelez International Inc. PCI Compliant?\\nMondelez International Inc. has a global Ethics & Compliance program that guides its employees to adhere to applicable laws and regulations while conducting business worldwide. The company also has a dedicated Compliance team that works with senior management to implement the program and ensures employees understand what is expected of them. \\n\\nHowever, it is unclear from the available information whether Mondelez International Inc. is PCI compliant regarding the specific requirements of PCI DSS. This would require further investigation and analysis of the company's data security measures and practices.\n",
                  "sources": [
                      "type": null,
                      "url": null
            "documents": [
                "id": "0544e627-5c81-49da-99bc-a2822ead6b99",
                "filename": "file 1.pdf",
                "contentType": "application/pdf",
                "byteSize": 123456
            "quoted": true,
            "alternateUrl": "https://{tenant}",
            "createdAt": "2023-01-10T16:00:30+0:00",
            "updatedAt": "2023-01-10T16:05:30+0:00"

Life & Disability Example Request

Below is an example of a webhook request sent when a life & disability case is updated:

      "id": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
      "topic": "cases/updated"
      "body": {
        "data": {
          "id": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
          "type": "lifeCases",
          "attributes": {
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "insuranceLine": {
              "id": "1cfd8bdf-5a20-4dfb-aca0-729df7795e14",
              "name": "Life"
            "documentsCount": 123,
            "externalId": "client-custom-identifier",
            "alternateUrl": "https://{tenant}",
            "insuredPerson": {
              "name": "Jane Doe",
              "bornOn": "1949-12-31",
              "occupation": "Software Engineer",
              "sex": "female"
            "analysis": {
              "status": "done",
              "errors": [],
              "riskSignalDetections": [
                  "type": "KeywordSignal",
                  "keyword": "Cancer",
                  "explanation": "The fact 'Concerning for malignancy' matches the keyword signal 'Cancer' with a negative impact based on the risk appetite provided.",
                  "impact": "negative",
                  "sources": [
                      "filename": "medial_report.pdf",
                      "pages": [1,2,3]
              "riskOverview": "Jane Doe, a 74-year-old female who smokes, has a history of several significant medical conditions and treatments. She has been diagnosed with strep pharyngitis, appendicitis, migraines with aura, atypical chest pain concerning for angina, community-acquired pneumonia,\n",
              "fullHealthSummary": "Jane Doe's medical history is extensive, beginning with diagnoses of strep pharyngitis in 1980 treated with clindamycin due to penicillin allergy, and appendicitis in 1987, both of which were treated accordingly. In 1993, she was diagnosed with migraines with aura and began treatment with metoclopramide and sumatriptan. By 2000, she experienced atypical chest pain, which raised concerns for angina, leading to a cardiology referral and the initiation of ASA. In 2006, she was diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia and subsequently with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in 2013, which is currently in remission with ongoing imatinib treatment. Her history also includes a COPD exacerbation in 2016 treated with albuterol and Advair, and orthostatic hypotension diagnosed in 2018, with a treatment plan including fludrocortisone. Throughout her medical journey, Jennifer has been prescribed various medications, including ASA for atypical chest pain and post-myocardial infarction, atenolol and atorvastatin for coronary artery disease post-myocardial infarction, and imatinib specifically targeting her CML. The presence of atenolol and atorvastatin suggests a focus on heart health and cholesterol, while imatinib specifically targets her CML. Notably, there is an absence of direct treatment for high blood pressure, despite the presence of medications that could indirectly affect it, and no mention of medications for mental health conditions or sleep apnea, which are not listed among her diagnosed conditions.\n",
              "factsCount": 321
            "createdAt": "2024-01-10T16:00:30Z",
            "updatedAt": "2024-01-10T16:00:30Z"

FileNet Integration Example Request

Below is an example of a webhook request sent when a FileNet integration has successfully downloaded the files:

      "id": "94b4fd8d-3500-49a4-a3cb-0e7f59c9b1ac",
      "topic": "integrations/finished",
      "body": {
        "data": {
          "caseId": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
          "integrationId": "78ea09d0-55f7-407a-9fc9-d625cfd84085",
          "files": [
              id: "filenet-unique-identifier",
              id: "filenet-unique-identifier-2",


Below is an example of a webhook request sent when a FileNet integration failed to download the file:

      "id": "94b4fd8d-3500-49a4-a3cb-0e7f59c9b1ac",
      "topic": "integrations/errored",
      "body": {
        "data": {
          "caseId": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
          "integrationId": "78ea09d0-55f7-407a-9fc9-d625cfd84085",
          "files": [
              id: "filenet-unique-identifier",
              id: "filenet-unique-identifier-2",
          "errors": [
              "status": "500",
              "title": "FileNet server error",
              "detail": "File 'filenet-unique-identifier' failed due to a FileNet server error",
              "meta": {
                "fileId": "filenet-unique-identifier"


Example Request with Custom Headers

Below is an example of a webhook request that includes a custom Auth-Token header for authentication:

POST /webhooks HTTP/1.1

Host: foo.example

Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json

Auth-Token: secret-custom-header

  "id": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
  "topic": "cases/updated",
  "body": {
    "data": {


  • Your webhook resource MUST accept requests with content type application/json

    • Your webhook resource MUST return a response with a 200 status to indicate that the request was processed successfully

Custom Headers

You can optionally specify custom headers for us to send in webhook requests. This is useful when, for example, your webhook resource requires us to provide an authentication token in a header. Custom headers are defined at the webhook level and are included in all requests sent to the webhook callback URL. Please reach out to your Sixfold representative to set up custom headers for your webhook.

Webhook Topics

A webhook's topic indicates the type of event that triggered the webhook. The topic is included in the request body sent to your webhook URL.

Supported webhook topics include:

| Topic | Description |

| --- | --- |

| cases/created | a case was successfully created |

| cases/updated | a case was successfully updated |

| cases/finished | a case has completed the analysis |

| cases/errored | a case encountered an error during the analysis |

| integrations/finished | an integration has finished its operation |

| integrations/errored | an integration encountered an error during its operation |


Commercial Example Request

Below is an example of a webhook request sent when a commercial case is updated:

      "id": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
      "topic": "cases/updated"
      "body": {
        "data": {
          "id": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
          "type": "commercialCases",
          "attributes": {
            "externalId": "bda31907-49ad-4cf2-b76f-7738f359ae5e",
            "name": "Diamond West Construction Case",
            "insuranceLine": {
              "id": "1cfd8bdf-5a20-4dfb-aca0-729df7795e14",
              "name": "General Liability"
            "insuredCompany": {
              "name": "Diamond West Construction",
              "businessActivity": "Construction",
              "summary": "A general building contractor that offers home remodeling and design-build services.",
              "webPresence": {
                "urls": [
              "businessClassification": [
                    "system": "naics",
                    "code": "236118",
                    "title": "Commercial and Institutional Building Construction",
                    "explanation": "236118 - Residential Remodelers The business summary indicates that this is a general building contractor that offers home remodeling and design-build services. This aligns directly with the NAICS code 236118, which is designated for businesses primarily responsible for remodeling construction of houses and other residential buildings. The services offered by the business, such as home remodeling and design-build, are specifically mentioned in the NAICS context as activities included in this industry. The business is likely to serve customers who own residential properties, including single-family and multifamily homes, who are looking to remodel or renovate their properties. This is why the NAICS code 236118 - Residential Remodelers is assigned with high confidence.",
                    "confidence": 0.79
              "address": {
                "street": "6676 Van Buren Boulevard",
                "city": "Riverside",
                "state": "CA",
                "postalCode": "92503",
                "country": "US"
            "analysis": {
              "status": "done",
              "riskEvaluation": {
                "score": 4,
                "summary": "We have determined a risk score of 4 given the lack of negative risk signals detected."
              "riskSignalDetections": [
                  "type": "KeywordSignal",
                  "keyword": "Construction",
                  "explanation": "The content mentions Diamond West Construction Services, which offers a range of construction services including residential, commercial, and communications projects. Additionally, Diamond West Development provides diversified construction services such as concrete work, block walls, pools, and outdoor kitchens. This indicates that the business likely engages in construction activities.",
                  "impact": "positive"
                  "type": "KeywordSignal",
                  "keyword": "Remodeling",
                  "explanation": "The content extensively discusses Diamond West Development's involvement in remodeling projects, including kitchen and bathroom remodeling. It highlights customer testimonials praising their work on remodeling projects and mentions their services in home remodeling, room additions, and custom homes. This indicates that the business likely engages in remodeling activities.",
                  "impact": "negative"
              "facts": [
                  "type": "questionAnswer",
                  "question": "Does PCI Compliance applicable to this company? If so, is the company PCI Compliant?",
                  "answer": "Is PCI Compliance Applicable to Mondelez International Inc.?\\nMondelez International Inc. is a multinational confectionery, food, and beverage company that manufactures and markets food products and beverages. The company operates in approximately 160 countries and has an annual revenue of about $26.5 billion.\\n\\nThe Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security standards that ensure companies that accept, process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. PCI DSS is administered and managed by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC), an independent body created by major payment card brands such as Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. \\n\\nPCI DSS applies to any organization, regardless of size or the number of transactions, that accepts, transmits, or stores cardholder data. This includes companies that process credit card information and merchants that accept payment cards as payment for goods and services. \\n\\nGiven that Mondelez International Inc. operates on a global scale and deals with financial transactions, it would need to comply with PCI DSS. \\n\\n## Is Mondelez International Inc. PCI Compliant?\\nMondelez International Inc. has a global Ethics & Compliance program that guides its employees to adhere to applicable laws and regulations while conducting business worldwide. The company also has a dedicated Compliance team that works with senior management to implement the program and ensures employees understand what is expected of them. \\n\\nHowever, it is unclear from the available information whether Mondelez International Inc. is PCI compliant regarding the specific requirements of PCI DSS. This would require further investigation and analysis of the company's data security measures and practices.\n",
                  "sources": [
                      "type": null,
                      "url": null
            "documents": [
                "id": "0544e627-5c81-49da-99bc-a2822ead6b99",
                "filename": "file 1.pdf",
                "contentType": "application/pdf",
                "byteSize": 123456
            "quoted": true,
            "alternateUrl": "https://{tenant}",
            "createdAt": "2023-01-10T16:00:30+0:00",
            "updatedAt": "2023-01-10T16:05:30+0:00"

Life & Disability Example Request

Below is an example of a webhook request sent when a life & disability case is updated:

      "id": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
      "topic": "cases/updated"
      "body": {
        "data": {
          "id": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
          "type": "lifeCases",
          "attributes": {
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "insuranceLine": {
              "id": "1cfd8bdf-5a20-4dfb-aca0-729df7795e14",
              "name": "Life"
            "documentsCount": 123,
            "externalId": "client-custom-identifier",
            "alternateUrl": "https://{tenant}",
            "insuredPerson": {
              "name": "Jane Doe",
              "bornOn": "1949-12-31",
              "occupation": "Software Engineer",
              "sex": "female"
            "analysis": {
              "status": "done",
              "errors": [],
              "riskSignalDetections": [
                  "type": "KeywordSignal",
                  "keyword": "Cancer",
                  "explanation": "The fact 'Concerning for malignancy' matches the keyword signal 'Cancer' with a negative impact based on the risk appetite provided.",
                  "impact": "negative",
                  "sources": [
                      "filename": "medial_report.pdf",
                      "pages": [1,2,3]
              "riskOverview": "Jane Doe, a 74-year-old female who smokes, has a history of several significant medical conditions and treatments. She has been diagnosed with strep pharyngitis, appendicitis, migraines with aura, atypical chest pain concerning for angina, community-acquired pneumonia,\n",
              "fullHealthSummary": "Jane Doe's medical history is extensive, beginning with diagnoses of strep pharyngitis in 1980 treated with clindamycin due to penicillin allergy, and appendicitis in 1987, both of which were treated accordingly. In 1993, she was diagnosed with migraines with aura and began treatment with metoclopramide and sumatriptan. By 2000, she experienced atypical chest pain, which raised concerns for angina, leading to a cardiology referral and the initiation of ASA. In 2006, she was diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia and subsequently with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in 2013, which is currently in remission with ongoing imatinib treatment. Her history also includes a COPD exacerbation in 2016 treated with albuterol and Advair, and orthostatic hypotension diagnosed in 2018, with a treatment plan including fludrocortisone. Throughout her medical journey, Jennifer has been prescribed various medications, including ASA for atypical chest pain and post-myocardial infarction, atenolol and atorvastatin for coronary artery disease post-myocardial infarction, and imatinib specifically targeting her CML. The presence of atenolol and atorvastatin suggests a focus on heart health and cholesterol, while imatinib specifically targets her CML. Notably, there is an absence of direct treatment for high blood pressure, despite the presence of medications that could indirectly affect it, and no mention of medications for mental health conditions or sleep apnea, which are not listed among her diagnosed conditions.\n",
              "factsCount": 321
            "createdAt": "2024-01-10T16:00:30Z",
            "updatedAt": "2024-01-10T16:00:30Z"

FileNet Integration Example Request

Below is an example of a webhook request sent when a FileNet integration has successfully downloaded the files:

      "id": "94b4fd8d-3500-49a4-a3cb-0e7f59c9b1ac",
      "topic": "integrations/finished",
      "body": {
        "data": {
          "caseId": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
          "integrationId": "78ea09d0-55f7-407a-9fc9-d625cfd84085",
          "files": [
              id: "filenet-unique-identifier",
              id: "filenet-unique-identifier-2",


Below is an example of a webhook request sent when a FileNet integration failed to download the file:

      "id": "94b4fd8d-3500-49a4-a3cb-0e7f59c9b1ac",
      "topic": "integrations/errored",
      "body": {
        "data": {
          "caseId": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
          "integrationId": "78ea09d0-55f7-407a-9fc9-d625cfd84085",
          "files": [
              id: "filenet-unique-identifier",
              id: "filenet-unique-identifier-2",
          "errors": [
              "status": "500",
              "title": "FileNet server error",
              "detail": "File 'filenet-unique-identifier' failed due to a FileNet server error",
              "meta": {
                "fileId": "filenet-unique-identifier"


Example Request with Custom Headers

Below is an example of a webhook request that includes a custom Auth-Token header for authentication:

POST /webhooks HTTP/1.1

Host: foo.example

Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json

Auth-Token: secret-custom-header

  "id": "c4fb4c10-5b2e-4220-90d2-96d94337e8e6",
  "topic": "cases/updated",
  "body": {
    "data": {

Integrations Overview


At Sixfold, we streamline customer workflows by supporting integrations that automate the process of pulling in documents from external sources and seamlessly adding them to a case’s knowledge base. This supplements the documents that customers can manually upload, allowing teams to focus on analysis and decision-making while ensuring that all relevant documents are accurately captured and organized within the system. Through our integration options, we enable efficient document management that adapts to your specific needs.

See here for representative example of an integration.

Getting Started

Before leveraging one of the existing integrations, you will need to work with Sixfold's operations team to configure the necessary settings for your tenant. Each integration requires specific configurations and credentials.

For each integration, you will receive a:

  • Integration ID: A unique identifier for your integration, provided by Sixfold.
  • Integration Metadata Schema: An integration-specific data structure that will be used to manage the integration on a per-case basis

Integration ID

The integrationId is a unique identifier for your configured integration, provided to you by Sixfold, that you will use in API calls to manage the integration for a particular case.

Example Integration Id

  • integrationId: "a908bbed-319d-46fa-925d-67298721fa5c"

Example Usage

See the documentation for this API endpoint for example usage.

Integration Metadata Schema

The integration metadata schema is a integration-specific data structure that you leverage when structuring the request bodies for API calls to manage the integration for a particular case.

Example Integration Metadata Schema

The data structure below is an example of the metadata schema for an integration with an external document management system. Here, the files key references an array of ids that represent the id of file/documents in the external system that a customer would want to associate with a particular case.

        "id": "integrationId", // provided by sixfold
        "files": [
            { "id": "id-of-file-in-external-system" },

Example Usage

See the documentation for this API endpoint for example usage.

Supported Integrations

Currently, Sixfold supports integrations with the following:

If you'd like to integrate with a third-party service that is not currently in the list above, please reach out to us via email to inquire.

IBM FileNet Content Manager

This integration allows Sixfold to interact with this external document and content storage service. This integration enables seamless management and attachment of files to cases within Sixfold’s system.


Before Sixfold can begin adding files to cases using the FileNet integration, Sixfold’s operations team will need to configure the integration within your tenant. The configuration process will require the following information:

  • FileNet Server URL: The URL of the FileNet Content Manager server.
  • FileNet Credentials: The username and password for accessing the FileNet system.
  • Authentication URLs and Credentials: The URL(s) and credentials (if any) needed to receive a token used to authenticate requests to FileNet.

Configuration Process

  1. Contact Sixfold: Reach out to Sixfold’s operations team to begin the setup process.
  2. Provide Credentials: Share the required FileNet server details and Authentication credentials.
  3. Configuration: Sixfold’s team will configure your tenant to use the provided credentials and server information.
  4. Integration ID: Once the setup is complete, Sixfold will provide your development team with an integration ID.

Integration Metadata Schema

The metadata schema for the FileNet integration is as follows:

        "id": "integrationId", // provided by sixfold
        "files": [
            { "id": "id-of-file-in-filenet" },
            { "id": "another-id-of-file-in-filenet" }

Using the Integration

After setting up the FileNet integration, you will need to include the integration ID in all API requests that involve FileNet-related actions, such as creating a case while specifying files to be pulled in from FileNet, or updating a case to specify additional files to be pulled in from FileNet.

Example API Call - Update Case with additional files from FileNet

See example below, or the documentation for this endpoint

PATCH /life/cases/john-doe-case-id/integrations/file-net-integration-id HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

    "op": "add",
    "path": "/files/-",
    "value": {
      "id": "id-of-file-in-filenet",